Andy Morgan

I'm an online nutritional coach and trainer. After seeing one too many people get ripped off by supplement and training industry lies I decided to try and do something about it. The site you see here is the result of a lot of Starbucks-fuelled, two-fingered typing. It's had a lot of love poured into it, and I hope you find the guides to the diet and training methods I use on this site useful. When I'm not helping clients you'll likely find me crashing down a mountain on a snowboard, riding a motorbike, or staring at watches I can't afford.



フィットネス業界の情報格差を無くしたい。 筋力トレーニングは一般人と専門家のあいだに大きな知識のギャップがあります。 AthleteBody.jpは本物に触れる入り口を創り、無知につけ込むウソと戦う筋トレ情報サイトです。

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